A Website hosted by Judy Miller - Singer/Songwriter
Please note: Our final recordings will all be high quality download MP3
(192kbs) or Audio CD's made from highest quality original WAV files.
Our customized songs are both regular and premium depending on the length of the song. Premium songs will be indicated. Please be aware if you are ordering a premium song when you place your order.
Birthday Songs
Birthday Songs for Children
Happy Birthday - Adult1 sung by Judy
Lyrics-Judy Miller, Music-Tom Rae
(Supply Name, Age, Signif. Other, Children info.
Happy Birthday - Child1 sung by Nate
Lyrics-Judy Miller, Music-Tom Rae
(Supply Name, Age)
Happy Birthday - Adult or Child3
sung by Jerry - Lyrics & Music Jerry Allen,
played & arr. Tom Rae (supply Name and age)
Leprechaun Birthday - Child2-Katy
R. singsLyrics and Music - Robert
(supply child's name)
Happy Happy Happy Birthday
Any Special Person sung by Judy
Lyrics-C.Howe, Music-Robert Thomson
(supply Name)
Happy Birthday - Child3
sung by Jerry Lyrics & Music Jerry Allen,
Played & arr. Tom Rae
(supply Name and Age)

Would you like to check out our generic songcards? They won't have the name of your special person, but you can put a personal message on the label if you buy a CD. Starting as low as $9.95 for an MP3 download
All persons using this website agree to the Terms and Conditions of this website as outlined in our "Terms and Conditions"
What more unique birthday gift could you give that special person than a song from you with his/her name
in the song. A very special gift from the heart. It is just a gift for him or her, customized and personalized
to fit your very special person. He or she will be thrilled with your thoughtfulness and original idea. It will
be a gift to last always and he or she can play it over again throughout the year. They will think of you
every time it is played. Children love songs with their own names being sung. They will play their special
gift songcard over and over and start singing along with the birthday wishes and their very own name.
A special and unique gift they will treasure always.

Customized, personalized song greetings for all occasions: weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, bar/bat mitzvah,
Christmas and Hanukkah. If you don't see it here, call our toll free number and we'll talk about writing a custom
greeting for your specific need. If we can use the song on our site again, we'll just charge you the rates quoted on
this site. (i.e. $29.95 for mp3 to download}